
Wednesday, 4 January 2012

2012 - we made it!

Why do I have the feeling that we have somehow crossed the finish line coming into this new year? It definitely feels like we have 'made it' and now it is up to all of us to rebuild something brand new on the crumbling foundations of the old.

Every year at New Years eve I get a very strong intuition on what the next year will bring on both a global  and personal level. A window seems to open with insights for the new year. This New Year's eve was really interesting. I had the words 'surprises and celebration for us all' come into my intuitive awareness. I also had the strong feeling that it will be very different from what many of us expect. The surprises will definitely be positive and my intuition indicated they will keep coming all year long, one after the other!

During a late evening meditation seeing out the last day of 2011, I had powerful words permeate my entire being....'ONE HEART, ONE EARTH'. I could feel every heart on earth join up in immense love. A friend who meditated with us stated the exact same experience! Something very powerful happened to us all that has brought our hearts together working as one.

Let the new year begin!